Understand the different factors that characterise a business environment

A business environment extends beyond a company's four walls. It encapsulates the dynamic interplay of factors that influence its operations. The complex ecosystem of a business environment presents opportunities for growth and potential challenges, so understanding these factors is paramount for business success. Once attuned to what a business environment is, you can create effective business strategies in response to the ever-changing dynamics of your operational landscape.

What is a business environment?

A business environment refers to the internal and external factors that affect the operations of a business. These are constantly evolving, and could lead to either the downfall or huge success of a business.

The factors that influence a business environment are split into the following primary categories:

  • General: economic and social issues that universally impact businesses include the law, technology, and socio-political norms.

  • Specific: unique elements that directly relate to a particular business, such as competitors, target markets, suppliers, and customers.

  • Uncertain: future-shaping factors that are hard to predict and often external, requiring businesses to adapt, such as emerging technology or changes in foreign trade restrictions.

  • Interrelation of factors: factors can influence each other, creating a ripple effect - for example, a general factor, like a pandemic, can affect business environments, leading to both specific and uncertain factors.

  • Changing: constant evolution of the business landscape will impact sectors differently. Rapid change, especially in dynamic sectors like technology, require close attention to ensure the business adapts in time.

  • Chain reaction: causal relationships between factors can be complex. A small change in one factor can lead to a chain reaction, affecting various areas of the business and resulting in major changes.

  • Distribution of factors: factors are never evenly distributed. Businesses must adapt to external factors, as they may benefit from some, while being detrimental to others, which creates variations in their impact.

Why is a business environment important?

Business leaders and managers need to understand what the current business environment of their organisation is so they can respond to conditions appropriately.

Here are four key reasons as to why understanding the business environment is essential:

  1. Supports and improves performance: understanding the business environment enables the development of proactive strategies, allowing companies to adapt and optimise their performance.

  2. Improves strategic planning and organisation: maintaining awareness of the business environment facilitates strategic planning, which enhances organisational preparedness for future changes and expansion.

  3. Identifies business opportunities: continuous analysis of the dynamic business environment uncovers growth opportunities, enabling the creation of new products or services to capitalise on market gaps.

  4. Highlights business threats: recognising and analysing potential threats, such as new competitors or profit losses, allows businesses to address challenges and remain competitive in the market.

External business environment factors

Professionals break down business environment factors into internal and external. Below is a list of the top factors that shape the environment of a business externally. It's commonly referred to as PESTLE:

Political factors

Businesses are subject to the influence of political decisions and changes, such as those affecting international relations and regulatory frameworks. Political choices can affect businesses both positively and negatively. For example, the political climate in one country may help a business to flourish, while in another it may impose restrictions on activities.

Companies affected by political decisions must amend their processes to comply with new legislation, or overhaul them to ensure minimal risk to the business's future.

Economic factors

The state of the economy plays a vital role in every way, from staff well-being to the company's ability to operate. Economic downturns often bring rising unemployment, which means businesses may have to work harder to sustain revenue streams.

Economic factors which affect a business environment include the rate of inflation, supply and demand, and economic policies, such as import-export, tax structure, and public expenditure.

Social factors

Every society has a unique culture and social norms. A company must be cognisant of these factors to understand their business environment. Social factors affect how a business presents its brand and engages with regional / global customers, and can be grouped into culture and traditions, social trends, and values.

Examples of how social factors affect a business environment include catering to specific preferences and expectations of underrepresented groups, and businesses entering markets that are increasingly becoming more Westernised.

Technological factors

Technological developments affect every sector. You only need to look at the ever-growing influence of ChatGPT and AI to see the true impact of tech advancements. Businesses employing these technologies for customer service, data analysis, or content creation gain a competitive edge, while those resistant to change may face hurdles. 

Similar to the impact of GPS integration in cars, companies need to strategise to address challenges posed by technological advancements. Embracing and integrating technological developments is crucial in determining a company's position in the evolving business environment.

Legal factors

Businesses across the globe must conduct themselves within the law, though legal factors shape businesses differently as it depends on their legal jurisdiction. 

One sub-section of legal factors is compliance and regulations, such as product safety standards and employment law. Another is intellectual property law, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Then, there are contractual obligations, such as supplier and customer relationships. Taxation, environmental, data protection, privacy, and antitrust and competition laws also impact business environments.

Environmental factors

The natural environment influences business environments. For example, severe weather events, like floods, can reshape a business landscape and force a change in operations. 

In today's heightened environmental concerns, businesses are increasingly adapting to be more environmentally friendly. For instance, the net-zero carbon targets by 2050 expects businesses to actively participate in sustainable practices, fostering a shift towards eco-friendly operations which influence the overall business environment.

Internal business environment factors

The most common internal factors include:

Organisation structure

A business's organisational structure influences all aspects of a business environment because it dictates how decisions are made. A business with a flat organisational structure tends to have a more laissez-faire approach to work, whereas a company with a functional organisational structure is more hierarchically rigid.

Value framework

A company's values profoundly impact its environment by shaping its culture, guiding decision-making, and influencing interactions between employees and stakeholders. Values are the foundation of a company's identity and set the standard for behaviour, corporate culture, products, and services. When aligned with the broader business environment, values help businesses to thrive.

Overarching vision and goals

A long-term vision and achievable goals inform every critical decision in the company thus shaping the business environment. Guiding principles provide a clear direction, influencing strategic decisions, resource allocation, and organisational priorities. A well-defined vision fosters alignment among employees, creating a shared sense of purpose and motivation.


Harnessing new tech in the right way can unlock a whole host of benefits. For example, technology facilitates data-driven decision-making, so companies can respond swiftly to market changes.

Technology empowers businesses to stay competitive by embracing automation, AI, and digital solutions, influencing how tasks are executed, products are developed, and services are delivered. It becomes a driving force that modernises internal operations and positions the business for sustained growth and resilience.

Resource management

Effective resource management directly influences operational efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. Resources include human capital, financial assets, and physical assets. If business leaders and managers efficiently allocate resources, the business's capabilities can be fully realised, directly impacting the broader business environment.

Operational processes

Well-optimised internal workflows contribute to cost-effectiveness, timely product / service delivery, and enhanced customer satisfaction. In contrast, inefficient or outdated operational processes can lead to delays, errors, and increased costs, which negatively impact the business environment. 

The continuous improvement and innovation of operational processes are essential for businesses to thrive while remaining competitive.

Apply your knowledge 

We've discovered what a business environment is and how it can be affected by certain factors. Armed with this information, you can move forward to develop winning business strategies that will complement and bolster the business environment no end.

Knowledge of business environments is vital in the workplace, especially if you're in a leadership position. Check that you're emphasising your understanding of business environments and your experience in reacting to changing factors on your CV by submitting your CV for a free review.

This article was originally written by Laura Slingo and has been updated by Elizabeth Openshaw.

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